People are your greatest asset. Change is constant. Since people are your greatest asset, and change is constant, it’s fair to assume that your greatest asset is people who can adapt well to change. Enter X-Factor. X-Factor is our proprietary recruiting method...
One of the toughest parts about applying for a new job is “selling” yourself to a potential employer. Applicants often emphasize their skills and work history, which are of course valuable. However, modern employers are becoming more interested in...
Searching for quality talent to fill your hiring needs requires time and energy, and yet the perfect applicant may be nearly impossible to find. The hiring process is further hindered by the traditional methods used. Conventional hiring methods can be time-consuming...
There’s a significant difference between hiring an employee and hiring the right employee. The common denominator is that both cases cost your company money. Sadly, hiring the wrong employee for a specific role hurts your productivity and invalidates your hiring...
Finding the right candidate can be time-consuming and stressful, especially when the position needs to be filled quickly. For many companies, the interview is one of the most dreaded parts of the process. At Nextaff, we understand that the traditional model does not...
Planning for an interview is always nerve-wracking. While moving up in the world is an exciting prospect, getting there isn’t always so simple. If you want to take some of the stress out of your next interview, these 4 tips will make sure you’re...