Based on the fast pace with which today’s world moves, companies cannot afford to make a bad hire. One mistake at hiring may lead to an illness in the department which, like cancer, can grow to the rest of the staff. The difference between hiring...
Answering tough job interview questions is a challenging task. You want to provide the most original answers and demonstrate that you are passionate about the opportunity. You also want to show that you have the skills to do the job well....
Hiring Quality Talent is all about having a plan to acquire, hire, and support talent, and sharing the high standards of your hiring process with candidates as a quality reason to desire to work for you. With the XFactor’s scientific process, the prospect...
You applied for a new job and just received notification that the company would like to set up an interview – over the phone. While this may seem like an easier option than an in-person interview, you need to prepare just as much. Don’t...
When an interviewer asks if you have any questions for them, it’s your last chance to make an impression they will remember, and too many people tend to brush this part off. If you don’t ask any questions, they will think you aren’t interested in the...
Searching for the person who not only can do the job, but also fits in with the culture of your company, takes a lot of resources. Traditionally, it meant investing nearly 2 and half times the annual salary the new hire was supposed to be paid. If you...