We often discuss topics related to landing the interview, preparing your resume, and making the best impressions. Today, we’re highlighting one of the most critical aspects of the professional interview, the follow-up. If you’re not following up with the...
No one wants to be the bearer of bad news, but sending a rejection email to a candidate, especially if he or she was a finalist, is an unavoidable part of the hiring manager’s duties. Even after your top candidate accepts your employment offer, it can still be...
Interviewing for a new job can feel like stumbling through an improv exercise. You don’t know what questions to expect walking in, and you try your best to come up with great answers on the spot to “yes and” your way through the scene. But just as...
Written By: Greg Kratz Just as the most skilled practitioners of a particular trade or occupation tend to follow a set of best practices, so, too, do those who are highly successful at seeking employment. The good news for those who are looking for work is that these...
Most temps focus so much on getting permanent placements that they forget the benefits of building a great rapport with their employers. The reality is that temp work is here to stay, and employees who position themselves strategically will never run out of work. The...