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Phone Interview Tips: Know Your Audience

Phone Interview Tips: Know Your Audience

Have you ever hung up after a phone screen convinced it didn’t go well but not entirely sure why? You prepared, practiced, did your research and attempted to give the interviewer every reason to say “yes.” Yet, you were convinced the answer was...
Navigating Counteroffers

Navigating Counteroffers

  You ironed your outfit, polished your resume and went on what probably feels like a million job interviews.  At last, you received an offer and are ready to say goodbye to your current job.  But wait.  Your boss offers you a substantial raise!...
What You Do Outside of Work Matters

What You Do Outside of Work Matters

Employers today are looking for well rounded people. They want to know that their employees are socially conscious and have interests other than work. Often time employers will ask, “What do you like to do outside of work?” While this question seems like...