You’ve been on the job hunt. You’ve scouted companies, refined your resume, and maybe you’ve put out so many applications you’ve started to lose count. Now some of those applications are leading to interview offers. For many, the interview can...
You’ve just earned your long coveted degree and you’re now in the process of finding a well paying job in your field. After a long period of sending out application, after resume, after reference page, you have finally score an interview with what...
If you have ever asked your candidate, “what is your greatest strength and weakness?”, you have most likely received an answer to the tune of “my greatest strength is that I’m a team player, and my greatest weakness is that I work too hard to...
In a job interview, the door swings both ways. The hiring manager assesses if you have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to do the job. You gauge if the job, the company, and the boss are right for you. At the end of the interview, the hiring manager will ask...
While excited to get the job, it’s not unusual to suffer from shock especially if your search took longer than expected. That doesn’t mean the company took what they could get when they picked you. Your resume stood out, and the hiring manager recognized...