You have prepared for your interview and you know you are a qualified candidate for this position, but have you made sure your social networking footprint will not have a negative impact on your chances of landing this job? Social media plays a huge role in...
Creating a great resume is possible. When you sit down to start your resume, you might not know where to begin but these two tips will be sure to keep you on the right track. Clean Formatting A properly formatted resume is very important, because no one wants to spend...
During the interviewing process, you are always asked some simple questions like, what are your past experiences, how would you be an asset to this company, and what is a weakness of yours? Or the age-old, “tell me about yourself” part. These are some...
We all know the job hunt can be intimidating, especially if we don’t have the experience or skills that exactly match a listing. This can leave us feeling defeated. The good news is, even if you don’t feel you’re the ideal fit for a position, this...
Job hunting can be scary at times, especially in the beginning. You know you are traversing in unknown waters, and figuring out exactly what employers want often remains a mystery as you continue to apply. However, with a few simple tricks and tips, you can stay on...